Information security is one of the most important factors for any company that wants to ensure the data of their clients is safe and breach-proof. Security teams are now, more than ever, focused on taking dedicated measures to reduce risks and keep all information as safe as possible. The only solution to the growing threat of cyber-attacks seems to be found in the implementation of a whole information security management system that tackles all aspects of information security and is focused on finding and eliminating risks before they occur. Why do companies need to rely on ISO 27001 so much and how do they implement their new systems based on the norm?
What is ISO 27001?
ISO 27001 is an international information security management standard that introduces a strict set of policies, procedures, and technology on how to manage your company’s data security with ease and structure. An ISMS is focused primarily on the constant identification and management of information security risks, as well as general improvement in all information-based areas. In order to make sure that the ISMS based on ISO 27001 is working well and actually have some proof of that, companies can get accredited certification to ISO 27001. Having that certificate is a demonstration of your company’s best practices and shows both your clients and your business partners that you take your data security seriously.
How to implement ISO 27001?
Implementing an ISMS based on ISO 27001 requirements and regulations is a process in which everyone in the company has to be involved. As ISMS is specific to the organization that implements it, there are no ways of adapting the same methods another company did. If you wish to have help, there are companies that specialize in ISO-based systems implementation and they can guide you through the whole process. There are, however, some elements of implementing an ISMS that you should be aware of before you start the process. First of all, you will need a gap analysis to find out which aspects of your organization need to be fixed to meet the ISO standards and how far off are they from the ideal. Next, you need to scope the ISMS and decide which information assets are going to be protected. This means considering risks you may not have thought about before and realizing that information is so much more than just the data stored on your computer. Once some new methods are in place, you will need to deploy controls and assess your improvement, as well as create documentation for all the processes. Remember – ISMS is all about testing and constant improvement, so don’t set your mind on one strategy. It can change all the time as long as you keep your data secure and your ISMS compliant to ISO 27001.